Your Weekend Worldview Reader
⊕  The Super Bowl Silence Heard ‘Round the World
⊕  Six Reality Checks That Hit You In Your Twenties
⊕  Don’t Put a Room Where C.S. Lewis Put a Hallway
⊕  5 Reasons Christians Shouldn’t Be Cynical (The Good Book Company)
⊕  Beth Moore, Jen Hatmaker and Other Evangelical Leaders are Publishing a Letter Urging Trump, Congress to Act on Immigration (Sarah Pulliam Bailey, The Washington Post)
⊕  Taking Care of the Poor: The Most Ignored Command in the Bible? (Tyler Huckabee, Relevant Magazine)
⊕  Aristides of Athens, Apologist to the Emperor (Timothy Paul Jones)
⊕  James W. Sire, “A Keystone in the Intellectual Renewal of Evangelicalism,†Dies (InterVarsity Press)
⊕  Not Just Boy and Girl; More Teens Identify as Transgender (Lindsey Tanner, Medical Xpress)
⊕  How Humans Became Intelligent (Daniel Dennett, The Economist)
⊕  Party of One: Truth, Longing, and the Subtle Art of Singleness by Joy Beth Smith (Thomas Nelson, 2018)