Your Weekend Worldview Reader
⊕  God Spared Isaac. He Will Spare You Too.
⊕  The Apologetics of Jesus: Miracles, Arguments, and Witness (Carey Bryant, The Clear Lens)
⊕  The Church and Mental Health: What Do The Numbers Tell Us (Ed Stetzer, Christianity Today)
⊕  What the Left and the Right Both Misunderstand About History (Carl Trueman, The Gospel Caolition)
⊕  The Theory of Mind Myth (Robert Burton, Aeon Magazine)
⊕  Batman, Catwoman, and the Marriage Plot in Comics (Justin Elllis, The Atlantic)
⊕ Meditations on Dust (Jonathan Dodson, For the Church)
⊕  The Venomous Ideology of Religious Intolerance (Farhad Amhad, The Economist)
⊕ Mere Hope: Life in an Age of Cynicism by Jason Deusing (B&H, 2018)