Your Weekend Worldview Reader

ERE’S your Weekend Worldview Reader with links to articles, essays, reviews, and videos that I consider to be interesting or important from a biblical worldview perspective. Any work that I point to is not an endorsement, but rather an invitation for you to think deeply about your faith and the world around you. 



⊕  When Unalienable Rights Become Alien

⊕  Five Signs Your Brother Needs Your Help (The Good Book Company)

⊕  How to Explain Talking Donkeys and Burning Bushes (The Gospel Coalition)


⊕ High School Wrestler Forfeits Final Match Rather Than Face a Girl at Colorado State Tournament (Jason Owens, Yahoo Sports)

⊕  Illinois Considers Another Terrifying Law Allowing Infanticide (Elizabeth Bauer, The Federalist)

⊕  How One Instructor Shows Her Students That Good Writing Matters (The Chronicle for Higher Education)

⊕  A Devastating and Credible ‘Leaving Neverland’ Will Turn you off Michael Jackson for Good (Hank Stuever, The Washington Post)

⊕  Jonathan Edwards and His Support of Slavery: A Lament (Jason Meyer, The Gospel Coalition)

⊕  Church History Made Before Our Eyes: United Methodists Make History, Affirm Biblical Standards of Sexuality (Albert Mohler)

⊕  How I Escaped from North Korea (Joseph Kim, Christianity Today)

⊕  How Not to Respond to Doubt (Kaitlyn Miller, Desiring God)

⊕  How to Be More Public with Your Faith (Tim Keller, The Gospel Coalition)


⊕  Seven Myths about Singleness by Sam Allberry (Crossway Books, 2019)
