Your Weekend Worldview Reader

⊕  The New Testament Crime Scene: The Apostles as Early Apologists
⊕  What To Do When You’ve Blown It
⊕ Rethinking Apologetics for the Black Church (Jasmine Holmes, Christianity Today)
⊕ The Case for Reparations: A Slow Convert to the Cause (David Brooks, The New York Times)
⊕  Five Reasons Why Science and Faith are Compatible (Timothy W. Massaro, Core Christianity)
⊕  Ask TGC: Isn’t Opposing Same-Sex Marriage as Prejudiced as Opposing Interracial Marriage? (Joe Carter, The Gospel Coalition)
⊕  Colorado Drops Transgender Cake Case Against Christian Baker Jack Phillips (Valerie Richardson, The Washington Times)
⊕  ‘Propagating These Lies Is Dangerous.’ Ohio Teen Vaccinated Against His Mother’s Wishes Calls for End to Misinformation (Jamie Ducharme, Time Magazine)
⊕ For a Dissatisfied Public, Colleges’ Internal Affairs Become Fair Game (Karin Fischer, The Chronicle of Higher Education)
⊕ Comfort After Miscarriage [8 Bible Verses] (Alexandra Arndt, Allendale Baptist Church)
⊕ New Poll Finds “Dramatic Shift” on Abortion Attitudes (Alayna Treene, Axios)
What Is a Girl Worth?: My Story of Breaking the Silence and Exposing the Truth about Larry Nassar and USA Gymnastics by Rachel Denhollander (Tyndale Momentum, 2019)