Your Weekend Worldview Reader

⊕  Credo: Early Creeds as Christian Apologetics
⊕  I Need Glasses. Maybe You Do Too.Â
⊕ May SSA Christians Have Non-Sexual Romantic Relationships? (Sam Allberry, The Gospel Coalition)
⊕  Is Philosophy Still the Friend of Wisdom (Philosophy Now)
⊕  Transhumanism and the Cult of ‘Better, Faster, Stronger’ (Andy Crouch, Christianity Today)
⊕  The Books That Wouldn’t Die (Lorraine Daston and Sharon Marcus, The Chronicle on Higher Education)
⊕  What We Need to Confront About Christianity (Collin Hansen and Rebecca McLaughlin, TGC Podcast)
⊕  It’s Wrongheaded to Protect Nature with Human-Style Rights (Anna Grear, Aeon Magazine)
⊕  The Fraud of Higher Education (Benjamin Myers, First Things)
⊕ Alvin Plantinga and the Problem of Evil (Paul M. Gould, Ratio Christi)
⊕  The Missing Piece in Our Evangelism (Adriel Sanchez, Core Christianity)