What Did the Demons Sing That First Noel
Forgive me for raising a question which has likely never crossed your mind. My mind works a little differently, I suppose. I’m curious, if the angels sang “glory to God in the highest,” I wonder what the devils might have blurted back in response. To me, it could have been a bit like an athletic competition where fans try to drown out the other’s chants with their own.
At any rate, I imagine the demons keeping rhythm by pounding their pitchforks on the ground. But the darker they try to make it, the more brightly a solitary star shines above the humble town of Bethlehem. As the angels harmonize overhead, the demons grunt out something like this:
This foul night, this foul night
In flesh now he has come
This burning, blistering light
In flesh now he has come
To steal men from our prison gate,
For darkness we will fight til late
And take our stand, a cruel command
Christ to become our slaughtered lamb
Our gates, our gates, they must prevail
To keep men from the inner veil
Our gates, our gates, they must prevail
To keep men from the inner veil
A cross, a cross, we’ll send him to the cross
Tis not lost, a cross, we’ll send him to the cross
Our gates, our gates, they must prevail
To keep men from the inner veil
Lest Christmas light, now shining bright
Drive our souls to hell