Stop Blaming the Truth
If your theology makes you mean, it’s probably not your theology. You might be a jerk. If your politics make you mean, it’s probably not your politics. You might be a jerk. Here’s the thing, don’t be a jerk.
I posted this on Facebook and read the comments with a mild sense of curiosity. It was about the same for similar things I’ve posted in the past. Most agree or amen (which means to strongly agree – I think). Some are quick to remind me that we can’t forget the truth. Some are adamant that they have been wrongly accused of being a jerk because they are so right on all the things.
No matter what you believe, you shouldn’t be a jerk. Will some people not like you simply because of what you believe? Sure. But most of the time our problem is that we focus more on truth than love, and more on being right than being kind. So, let’s do better. Let’s quit blaming the truth for our underdeveloped interpersonal skills and lack of compassion.