Your Weekend Worldview Reader
Here’s Your Weekend Worldview Reader with links to articles, essays, reviews, & videos I consider to be interesting or important from a biblical worldview. Join me on the first & third Friday every month as I discuss topics from the post with Carmen LaBerge on My Faith Radio around 7:40AM (EST).
⊕ The KKK Rally That Disrupted Plans to Assassinate MLK in Yellow Springs, Ohio
⊕ On Pope’s, Pokes, and Political Strokes
⊕ The MLK Quote That Can Transform Our Social Media Presence
⊕ Human Values are a Faith Commitment (Theolatte)
⊕ Hope is Not Optimism (David B. Feldman, Aeon Magazine)
⊕ A Blind Skateboarder Returns to the Ramp (The New Yorker)
⊕ Why So Many People Still Don’t Understand Anti-Semitism (Yari Rosenberg, The Atlantic)
The God of the Garden by Andrew Peterson (Crossway, 2022)