The Worldview Reader

Here’s Your Worldview Reader with links to articles, essays, reviews, & videos I consider to be interesting or important from a biblical worldview. Join me on the first & third Friday every month as I discuss topics from the post with Carmen LaBerge on My Faith Radio around 7:30AM (EST).


⊕  The Photocopy Syndrome (Part One)

⊕  The Photocopy Syndrome (Part Two)

⊕  The Photocopy Syndrome (Part Three)

⊕  The Photocopy Syndrome (Part Four)


⊕  Can You Trust Your Own Brain? (Heather Berlin, The Big Think)

⊕  AI in Politics Is So Much Bigger Than Deepfakes (Jacob Stern, The Atlantic)

⊕  What Awaits Us (Jennifer Banks, Aeon Magazine)





Good Boundaries and Goodbyes: Loving Others Without Losing the Best of Who You Are by Lisa Terkeurst (Thomas Nelson, 2022)